
During these crazy times, it’s okay to be scared, confused, worried and anxious, but we’re here to help as many people and businesses through it, often learning as we go!

Over the last few months our communication has increased each time announcements have been made by the government. Below are just some of the things we’ve been doing to help you through this crisis.

Coronavirus support page
With regular changes, we felt it was best to have single blog with all the latest news and updates.

Regular newsletters
We stepped up and communicated like never before, giving you the very best information, as soon as it was announced.

Phone and email support at no extra cost
Over the last few months, we’ve been helping clients obtain the funding they are entitled to, and in some cases a shoulder to cry on. Either way we’re here to support our clients and make their life easier.

Cash flow forecasting
We’ve had this service in operation for some time now, but we rolled it out to all our VAT clients free of charge during the lockdown. You always need to plan for the future, but the lockdown appears to have put this at the top of the agenda for some clients.

Furlough Support
Wow, this has taken up an enormous amount of time, but we’ve supported all our clients with furloughing their team.

Zoom Meeting
If you fancy a zoom meeting let us know. It’s the only time you will see the team at home, dressed right down, often interrupted by their kids. Get over the fear and give it a go!

Weekly catch up meetings
Each week the team catches up on Zoom. We are all missing the office and face to face meetings with clients, but hopefully everything will return to normal soon.

Success Starts by Taking Action

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